Announcement: I Have Launched a Book

Hello everyone! I am excited to announce that I have officially published an academic book called Space Cowboys & Modern-Day Samurai: The Seminal Works of Watanabe Shinichiro.


To give you some context, this book is basically the thesis that I worked on for my Honours degree last year. Those of you who are familiar with Shinichiro Watanabe will know that he is well-known for his critically acclaimed anime, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo. My book critically analyzes his anime in order to prove that he has a particular style that is present in almost all his work; such as genre mixing, similarities between his characters and his use of music.

If you would like to support me, please follow the link below to order a copy. Alternatively, if you’d like more info about the book, please leave a message in the comments section.

Till next time!

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