What’s Next for That Baka Blog?

Hello everyone and welcome to 2019! I’m very glad that 2018 is over because it proved to be one of the toughest years of my life for various reasons. As everyone knows by now, with a new year comes new challenges and changes to one’s life. Today, I want to speak about one of the biggest changes that is about to happen to me personally and how it is going to affect my blog.

So last year I applied for the MEXT Scholarship through the Japanese embassy. This is a scholarship given to those who wish to study at a university of their choice in Japan, regardless of whether you are an undergrad or postgrad. As most of you are aware, I am currently doing my Masters in Japanese Horror Films so a friend of mine suggested that I apply for the scholarship. After an interview and loads of paperwork, I finally received word from the embassy regarding the final decision of the scholarship and I am happy to announce that I got it!

Personally, this will be a very exciting and daunting time in my life. On the one hand, it’s been a dream of mine since I got into anime to visit Japan and now I am getting that opportunity. Not only that, I will also get the chance to live and experience the culture first hand. On the other hand, though, this will be the first time I will ever be far away from my friends and family for a long period of time (gonna miss them a lot!). Not only that, but I will also need to learn to be properly independent from my parents. Although I will be getting a monthly stipend from the embassy, part of that stipend will have to go towards my rent, water, electricity and other essential utensils. Time to be a proper adult!

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So what does this mean for That Baka Blog? Don’t worry, this does not mean the end. Instead, I have decided to change things up a bit and start a new series of posts called That Baka in Japan. These will be posts that I will occasionally write detailing my life in Japan and some of the adventures that I might get into during that time. Ideally, I would like to post these every two weeks to a month, but obviously this will depend on my schedule when I get there. I plan to start writing my first post in April, which is when I will be leaving for Japan.

Regardless of this trip being both exciting and daunting for me, I know that it will be a rewarding experience and one that will help me grow as a person. Have any of you lived abroad in another country (Japan and otherwise)? If you have, I would love to know what you did to help make your trip a rewarding experience and how you dealt with your feelings of homesickness.

Till next time! 😀

16 thoughts on “What’s Next for That Baka Blog?

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  1. Hello there, fellow OWLS member! Don’t think I’ve seen your blog before this, but obviously I’m changing that.

    Congrats, before I say anything else.

    Haven’t been to Japan yet (had my hopes dashed on that front a few times, but /hopefully/ April is also my time to go). However, from both my language and overseas experience, the best tip I can give you is know the local language as best you can, if you don’t know/learn it already, because knowing the language helps out in a bunch of ways (although language learning has its own set of problems…).

    As for homesickness, I’m probably not the best one to ask, but if you have internet/data access plus existing ways to talk with friends/family/those you trust enough to discuss your homesickness with, that should be enough to keep you down-to-earth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Aria! What’s nice about how my time in Japan is set up is that for the first 6 months I will only be doing a Japanese language course then I formally start my thesis work after that (obviously I can still work on my thesis before then XD). But yeah, I know some basic Japanese already (“konnichiwa”, “arigato gozaimasu”, etc.), but stringing sentences together is not my strong point so I’m definitely looking forward to changing that.

      I hope everything works out for your plans to Japan this year and thank you again for all your advice 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh this is sooooo exciting congratulations! I pretty much lived everywhere so it’s not the same as being away from home. I’m sure you’ll do fine though. You can tweet at us if you get lonely or want to practice your English..

    Liked by 2 people

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